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Tribal 29 - Winter 2002

Tribal 29 - Winter 2002 View larger

Tribal 29 - Winter 2002

20,00 €


  • Facing the Mask
  • African Art at the University of Iowa Museum of Art. New Permanent Galleries
  • A rare Hawaiian ivory pendant in the collection of the Peabody Essex Museum
  • Ritual fabric of the ban Dayak
  • Uncommon Legacies: The Native American Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum
  • The U.S. vs an antique platter of gold
  • Vittorio Carini
  • Chief White Antelope blanket
  • Hugo A. Bernatzik in the South Pacific

(136 pages)


More info

  • Facing the Mask
    By Frank Herreman

  • African Art at the University of Iowa Museum of Art. New Permanent Galleries
    By Victoria L. Rovine

  • A rare Hawaiian ivory pendant in the collection of the Peabody Essex Museum
    By Christina Hellmich

  • Ritual fabric of the ban Dayak
    By Trevor Vale

  • Uncommon Legacies: The Native American Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum
    By Winfield Coleman

  • The U.S. vs an antique platter of gold
    By Robert K. Paterson

  • Vittorio Carini
    By Sebastian Miller


  • Chief White Antelope blanket
    By Duane Anderson

  • Hugo A. Bernatzik in the South Pacific
    By Kevin Conru

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