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Tribal 21 - Summer-Autumn 1999

Tribal 21 - Summer-Autumn 1999 View larger

Tribal 21 - Summer-Autumn 1999

100,00 €

  • Into the Art of Borneo: the Kenyah - Kayan tradition
  • Spirit Country. Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art
  • Bambaras & Bamanaya
  • Spain's well-kept secret . Northwest Coast Art in the Museo de América
  • Male Statuary of Nok. An Iconography of Seated Male Figures
  • When an Artifact is neither "Right" nor "Wrong"

(128 pages)

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More info

  • Into the Art of Borneo: the Kenyah - Kayan tradition
    By Eric Kjellgren

  • Spirit Country. Contemporary Australian Aboriginal Art
    By Kathleen Berrin

  • Spain's well-kept secret . Northwest Coast Art in the Museo de América
    By Araceli Sanchez Garrido

  • Male Statuary of Nok. An Iconography of Seated Male Figures
    By Claire Boullier

  • When an Artifact is neither "Right" nor "Wrong"
    By David Bernstein

  • Bambaras & Bamanaya
    By Jean-Paul Colleyn

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