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Tribal 18 - Summer 1998

Tribal 18 - Summer 1998 View larger

Tribal 18 - Summer 1998

50,00 €


  • Art as Cosmology. Cheyenne Women's Rawhide Painting
  • The Pacific Gallery at the South Australian Museum
  • African Pipes
  • Microanalysis: the Final Word
  • The Intercontinental Recycling of a Beaded Ornament

(110 pages)


More info

  • The Pacific Gallery at the South Australian Museum
    By Bill Evans

  • Microanalysis: the Final Word
    By Bertrand Duboscq

  • The Intercontinental Recycling of a Beaded Ornament
    By Thomas Reimer

  • Art as Cosmology. Cheyenne Women's Rawhide Painting
    By Winfield Coleman

  • African Pipes
    By Claude Savary

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