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Tribal 35 - Summer 2004

Tribal 35 - Summer 2004 View larger

Tribal 35 - Summer 2004

100,00 €


  • Grenoble: An Instinctive Collection
  • Emblems of the Body at the Dapper
  • Sensitivity and Power : a photographic homage to Songye sculptors
  • The Authenticity of Kamoro and Asmat Art
  • Tradition & Innovation in the Arts of Rwanda & Burundi
  • Ancient Peruvian Wood Carvings Marvels of a Vanished World
  • Michel Boulanger : Beauty Deserves Itself
  • Discovered : A Supremely Rare and Important Yoruba Bowl by Olowe of Ise
  • NAGPRA: the real problem
  • Shadows in the Forest : The Dendroglyphs of Rekohu
  • Photography in Mexico in the Nineteenth Century

(160 pages)


More info

  • Grenoble: An Instinctive Collection
    By Philippe Boudin

  • Emblems of the Body at the Dapper

  • Sensitivity and Power : a photographic homage to Songye sculptors
    By Anne-Marie Bouttiaux

  • The Authenticity of Kamoro and Asmat Art
    By Raymond Corbey

  • Michel Boulanger : Beauty Deserves Itself
    By Françoise Barrier

  • Discovered : A Supremely Rare and Important Yoruba Bowl by Olowe of Ise
    By Susan Kloman

  • NAGPRA: the real problem
    By Robert V. Gallegos

  • Tradition & Innovation in the Arts of Rwanda & Burundi
    By Bart Suys

  • Ancient Peruvian Wood Carvings Marvels of a Vanished World
    By James W. Reid

  • Shadows in the Forest : The Dendroglyphs of Rekohu
    By Eric Kjellgren

  • Photography in Mexico in the Nineteenth Century
    By Stella de Sá Rego

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