- Ancestral Art of the Marquesas Islands: Te haa tupuna kakiu no te henua enana
- Polynesia. Art and Divinity, 1760–1860
- The Aztec World
- Sixty Objects from Easter Island
- The Muséum d'histoire naturelle in Le Havre: Drawing “ The Other ” During the Baudin Expedition to Australia, 1800-1804
- Peggy’s Ethnopassion
- From Curiosity to Art: African Ivory and Five Centuries in the History of European Taste
- Yoruba Sculpture in the Vittorio Meneghelli Collection
- Fragments of the Living: African Sculptures from the Liliane and Michel Durand-Dessert Collection
- The (Re)Verse of a Benin Bronze Plaque : Tracing the story behind a Museum and Collector's Piece
- French Courts Rule Against the Repartition of a Maori Head to New Zealand
- K. F. Wong: Images of Borneo
(178 pages)
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