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Tribal 100 - Summer 2021

Tribal 100 - Summer 2021 View larger

Tribal 100 - Summer 2021

22,00 €


  • 100 X Congo: A Century of Congolese Art in Antwerp
  • New Beginnings: The Chau Chak Wing Museum at the University of Sydney
  • Masks of the Evenki and Magyar: New Connections
  • From Object to Dream, from Dream to Object: An Overview of Dream Traditions and Their Artifacts in the Luba Community
  • The Rarest of Combs
  • Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière: From Private to Public
  • Armand Hutereau’s Expedition to the Northeastern Congo

(128 pages)


More info

  • 100 X Congo: A Century of Congolese Art in Antwerp
    By Els De Palmenaer

100 x Congo in Antwerp

  • New Beginnings: The Chau Chak Wing Museum at the University of Sydney
    By Jonathan Fogel

Chau Chak Wing museum Sydney

  • Masks of the Evenki and Magyar: New Connections
    By Ron Bronckers

Evenki and Magyar Shaman Masks Cis-Ural

  • From Object to Dream, from Dream to Object: An Overview of Dream Traditions and Their Artifacts in the Luba Community
    By Albert Constant-Piot

Luba dreaming DR Congo

  • The Rarest of Combs
    By David Attenborough

Comb Indonesia Attenborough

  • Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière: From Private to Public
    By Elena Martínez-Jacquet

Ladreit de Lacharriere quai Branly masterpieces

  • Armand Hutereau’s Expedition to the Northeastern Congo
    By Rémy Jadinon

Armand Hutereau portfolio Tervuren DR Congo

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