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Tribal 101 - Autumn 2021

Tribal 101 - Autumn 2021 View larger

Tribal 101 - Autumn 2021

22,00 €


  • The Lerman Collection of Art from the Congo at the Etnografski Muzej, Zagreb
  • New Oceanic Galleries at the Saint Louis Art Museum
  • Distinguished: Art & Women Artists of the Inventory
  • Three Silver Cimpaaba: Afro-European Exchanges on the Kongo Coast in the 18th and 19th Centuries
  • Jakob Peter Georg Agner Møller: The Nias Collection in Copenhagen
  • “Gets Curious Relic“
  • Anna Demina: Passion, Pencils, and the Arts of Gabon
  • Rewriting History In Order Not to Have to Face It

(128 pages)


More info

  • The Lerman Collection of Art from the Congo at the Etnografski Muzej, Zagreb
    By Srdjan Sremac, Marija Živković

Lerman collection Zagreb

  • New Oceanic Galleries at the Saint Louis Art Museum
    By Nichole N. Bridges, Philippe Peltier

New Oceanic Galleries in Saint Louis, Peltier

  • Distinguished: Art & Women Artists of the Inventory
    By Rahel Wille

Artt & Women  Artists of the Inventory Hamburg

  • Three Silver Cimpaaba: Afro-European Exchanges on the Kongo Coast in the 18th and 19th Centuries
    By Julien Volper

Cimpaaba - exchanges on the Kongo Coast

  • Jakob Peter Georg Agner Møller: The Nias Collection in Copenhagen
    By Jesper Kurt-Nielsen

Agner Moller and the Nias collection in Copenhagen

  • “Gets Curious Relic“
    By Alex Arthur, David Weaver

Curious native american stone

  • Anna Demina: Passion, Pencils, and the Arts of Gabon
    By Elena Martínez-Jacquet

Anna Demina, collector of art from Gabon

  • Rewriting History In Order Not to Have to Face It
    By Yves-Bernard Debie

Rewriting Historey - Yvers-Bernard Debie

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