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Tribal 102 - Winter 2021

Tribal 102 - Winter 2021 View larger

Tribal 102 - Winter 2021

22,00 €


  • Requiem for a Museum
  • Eastern Native North American Art at the Saint Louis Art Museum
  • Making the World: A Cooperative Project
  • “This Is Not a Weapon”: Reappraising Clubs from Oceania
  • Mata Rahui: Maori Carved “Memorial,” or “Trespass,” Heads
  • As I Descended Impassive Rivers...
  • Phillip Shugar: A Symbol Player
  • Rock Art: Land, Petroglyphs, and Place

(108 pages)


More info

  • Requiem for a Museum
    By Yves-Bernard Debie

Yves Debie opinion

  • Eastern Native North American Art at the Saint Louis Art Museum
    By Alexander Brier Marr

Eastern Native North American Art at the Saint Louis Art Museum

  • Making the World: A Cooperative Project
    By Richard Kunz

Basel Making the world exhibition

  • “This Is Not a Weapon”: Reappraising Clubs from Oceania
    By Steven Hooper

“This Is Not a Weapon”: Reappraising Clubs from Oceania

  • Mata Rahui: Maori Carved “Memorial,” or “Trespass,” Heads
    By Robert K. Paterson

Mata Rahui: Maori Carved “Memorial,” or “Trespass,” Heads

  • As I Descended Impassive Rivers...
    By Stéphan Rostain

As I Descended Impassive Rivers...

  • Phillip Shugar: A Symbol Player
    By Jonathan Fogel

Phillip Shugar: A Symbol Player

  • Rock Art: Land, Petroglyphs, and Place
    By Polly Schaafsma

Rock Art: Land, Petroglyphs, and Place

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