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Autumn Sale for Woolley and Wallis

Senufo figure Ivory Coast Woolley and Wallis

ABOVE: Female figure. Senufo; Côte d’Ivoire.
Wood. H: 27.4 cm.
Ex Lucas Ratton, Paris.
To be offered by Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, 17–18 September 2024.

SALISBURY—British auc
tion house Woolley & Wal
lis is preparing a two-day
 “various owners” sale to be
held on September 17 and
18, 2024.

Among the many 
collections featured is that 
of the artist Tom Phillips,
 well-known in African and
 Oceanic art circles for having
 curated the major exhibition
 Africa: The Art of a Continent, seen at London’s Royal
 Academy in 1995. Phillips’ sensibility will be illustrated through a number of wooden figures, metal objects, and textiles from West Africa (Mali, Ghana, Côte d’Ivoire, Nigeria, and Cameroon) and South Africa.

Further in the field of African art, the sale also will include some fifty Yoruba ibeji figures from Nigeria from the Zbyszek Plocki collection, as well as contemporary Nigerian works by Twins Seven Seven, Muraina Oyelami, and Rufus Ogundele, among others.

A group of Ethiopian crosses dating from the fif- teenth to the nineteenth century will be offered as well. Finally, art from Asian and Oceania will also be featured, and a collection of textiles from Bhutan, Nepal, and Tibet, featuring a variety of garments and fabrics, will be offered, as will a fine selection of clubs from various South Sea islands.

Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas / Antiquities
September 17 and 18, 2024
Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, UK

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