Our Spring Issue is out now!

IBEJI - New Exhibition by Didier CLAES

Groupe  de figures ibeji, yoruba, Nigeria, par Didier Claes

ABOVE: Group of ere ibeji figures, Yoruba, Nigeria, presented in the new exhibition by Didier Claes, Brussels.


On the occasion of the belgian fairs BRAFA and BRUNEAF, Didier Claes is organizing an interesting  thematic show on the ere ibeji, this small figures of defunct twins created by the talented Yoruba artists of Nigeria. 

No less than 12 "couples" will be exhibited and reproduced in the catalogue published on the occasion.

This beautiful collection perfectly illustrates the great variety of style of this type of sculpture, the depth of its patina of use and the importance given to details, in the rendering of the hairdo, the necklaces, bracelets, etc.

Pratical information:
Galerie Didier Claes
14, rue de l'abbaye
1050 Brussels

Ere ibeji, Yoruba, Nigeria, Didier Claes

ABOVE: Female ere ibeji couple, Yoruba, Nigeria
H. 28 cm / 27,5 cm
Wood, pigments, glass beads, metal
Private collection, Belgium
Presented by Didier Claes, Brussels

Ere ibeji, Yoruba, Nigeria, Didier Claes

ABOVE: Female ere ibeji couple, Yoruba, Nigeria
H. 28 cm / 28,5 cm
Wood, pigments, glass beads, metal
Private collection, Belgium
Presented by Didier Claes, Brussels

Ere ibeji, Yoruba, Nigeria, Didier Claes

ABOVE: Female ere ibeji couple, Yoruba, Nigeria
H. 28,5 cm / 27 cm
Wood, pigments, glass beads, metal
Private collection, Belgium
Presented by Didier Claes, Brussels

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