Our Spring Issue is out now!

PACE at 50 Years

congo figure pace primitive

ABOVE: Standing fetish figure. Kongo; DR Congo.
Wood, metal, glass, fiber.
H: 30.6 cm.

Collected by missionary Herman 
Bush at the end of the 19th century. Ex Valluet-Ferrandin, Paris; private collection, New York (by 2000).

Pace African and Oceanic Art, New York. Photo: Jeanette May.

Celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, Pace African and Oceanic Art has launched a new and expanded website intended to bring home the gallery experience. The new site offers several elements. One is a “viewing room,” which offers virtual access to the gallery’s exhibitions through text and studio images. “Available artworks” shows a current inventory of artworks within the price range of $1,000–100,000 (though individual prices are not listed). More expensive works are available by appointment, whether physical or virtual. Finally, an archive provides a survey of works handled by Pace African & Oceanic Art since 1971. While not comprehensive, it is a glimpse into the breadth and depth of artworks sold to collectors and public and private institutions.

Have a look at www.paceafricanart.com for more information.

sisala mask burkina faso pace new york

ABOVE: Mask with superstructure, wankr altar object.
Sisala; Burkina Faso.
Wood, wax, Abrus precatorius seeds, metal, cotton cord, leather, pigment.
H: 69.9 cm.

Ex Alain Dufour; Thomas G. B. Wheelock estate.

Pace African and Oceanic Art, New York. Photo: Jeanette May.

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