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Parcours des mondes - 22th edition in Paris

Parcours des mondes 2023

From September 5–10, Paris will be abuzz with activity as Parcours des Mondes, the international fair for the arts of Africa, Asia, Oceania, the Americas and for antiquities, is held for the twenty-second year in the Saint-Germain-des-Prés neighborhood, this time under the direction of Yves-Bernard Debie, the new general manager, and with Stéphane Martin, founding director of the Musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, serving as honorary president.

In keeping with its mission of promoting understanding and appreciation between civilizations, the fair will welcome some sixty galleries this year, among them such select newcomers as Claes Contem- porary and Modern, Galerie Kiyama, Marguerite de Sabran, Danish gallery owner David Utzon-Frank, and Swiss dealer Dierk Dierking. As has always been the case, many Parcours participants will present thematic exhibitions reflecting their commitment to promoting knowledge in their areas of specialty. Galerie Abla & Alain Lecomte, for example, will be looking at the functions and symbolic attributes of African masks, while Voyageurs et Curieux will be presenting Australia and the Torres Strait, a show devoted to the material culture of the Aboriginal peoples of this vast island territory. Olivier Castellano will examine the historical and artistic connections between the peoples of the West African savanna with an exhibition called Nyama, which will be accompanied by a catalogue, while American gallery Tenzing Asian Art will devote an exhibition titled Realms of Myth, Legend, and Divine devoted to the Himalayan kingdoms and their rich artistic production. Grusenmeyer & Woliner present Frozen Magic, a show dedicated to the ancient shamanic art of Siberia, and Bruno Claessens will be celebrating the Savoir-Faire of African artists, the names of whom have so often faded into anonymity in history.

Oceanic art will take center stage in the presentations of Anthony Meyer, Martin Doustar, Chris Boylan, and Franck Marcelin, while antiquities will be the focus for Jacques Billen and Galerie Eberwein. The arts of Asia will be celebrated by Pascassio Manfredi and Indian Heritage, and African art will be the focus for Pablo Touchaleaume, Fernando Pujol, Philippe Ratton, David Serra, and Jo de Buck, to mention just a few of the dealers with this particular specialty. An innovation this year will be the particular welcome accorded to gallery owners who have not previously participated in the Parcours. These will be featured in two exclusive spaces at 27 and 35 rue 2 Guénégaud, called “Showcase.” Parcours management has selected six galleries—Bruce Floch, Granier Ancient, Guy Kuypers, Shåk Gallery, Michel
Van Den Dries, and Pascal Vernimmen—from among the many applicantsit received for this new part of the fair. These newcomers will now benefit from the high visibility Parcours provides and will have the opportunity to present their finest objects to an enlightened, international audience.

Finally, mention must also be made of the place being given to non-Western contemporary art by the Galerie Vallois 35 and 41, Arts d’Australie Stéphane Jacob, and Galerie Mingei, as well as to European perspectives on traditional art, such as those being offered by Tischenko Gallery and Eric Hertault, who will be exhibiting works by Coco Fronsac and Marie-Diane respectively.

Parcours des mondes

5-10 September 2023

Saint-Germain-des-Prés, Paris

Click here to read the online catalogue

Yuo can alos download our Special Report on the fair.

Hamson Maori Box Parcours des mondes

ABOVE: Treasure box. Maori, New Zealand.
L. 42.5 cm
To be offered by Michael Hamson on the occasion of Parcours des mondes.

Entwistle Lega mask Parcours des mondes

ABOVE: Mask. Lega, DR Congo
H. 25,1 cm
To be offered by Entwistle on the occasion of Parcours des mondes.

Masque Punu Gabon, Galerie Flak, Parcours des mondes

ABOVE: Mask okuyi. Punu, Gabon.
H. 27 cm
To be offered by Galerie Flak on the occasion of Parcours des mondes.

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