Coming soon!

Paris Tribal - 17-22 June 2021

Paris Tribal

Amongst the 25 participating galleries, some have prepared thematic shows on the occasion of the fair:

Galerie Flak will present an exceptional collection of ten Phantom shields decorated with superhero figures. These war shields combine ancestral traditions with contemporary images. They are great examples of cross-cultural influences in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea.

Galerie Lucas Ratton organizes an exhibition in collaboration with Xavier Eeckhout, Antoine Barrère, Jacques Lacoste and the Galerie Chenel around the theme "Animal". For this occasion, they present African art in dialogue with Lalanne's sculptures.

And, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the gallery, Voyageurs et Curieux presents a special exhibition and a catalog related to "Sculptures from Melanesia" in its new showroom location on rue Mazarine 20.

Practical information


June 17-22, 2021
Paris, 6th district

Opening on June 17th from 3 pm

Thursday 17 June: 3 pm - 9 pm
Friday 18 June: 11 am - 7 pm
Saturday 19 June: 11 am - 7 pm
Sunday 20 June: 11 am - 6 pm
Monday 21 June: 11 am - 7 pm
Tuesday 22 June: 11 am - 7 pm

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