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Songye Art at Galerie Hertault in Paris

Statue Songye Eric Hertault Paris
ABOVE: Power figure. Songye ; DR Congo.
Wood, fiber, metal, horn, cowries, glass beads.
H. : 47 cm.
Ex-David Henrion, Brussels ; Pierre Dartevelle, Brussels ; Didier Claes, Brussels  ; Luc Clément, Brussels.
© galerie Eric Hertault, photo : Vincent Girier Dufournier.

—For several years now, Éric Hertault has been organizing thematic exhibitions in his Rue Visconti gallery, each time presenting a rigorously selected group of works accompanied by a catalog combining quality illustrations with content penned by recognized authorities on the subjects at hand.

Hertault intentionally presents these events outside of the area’s regular event calendar in order to optimize opportunities to meet collectors and other aficionados. His next exhibition will open October 20, 2022, and remain on view until December 22.

Fabuleuses et redoutables effigies songye (Fabulous and Fearsome Songye Effigies) will, as the title suggests, be a tribute to the expressive power and inventiveness of one of the most distinctive sculptural traditions of Central Africa, that of the Songye peoples of the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Created by the skilled hands of various specialists—sculptors, blacksmiths, and nganga diviners (the latter being responsible for the wooden figures’ sacralization)—Songye effigies operate as active and effective forces for the protection of communities.

Seventeen of these artworks, through which strongly held beliefs are manifested, will be featured in the exhibition, though the corpus will be expanded to forty-four examples in the catalogue. François Neyt will be this volume’s author, and it will provide a synthesis of the history and the customs of the Songye, as well as an analysis of the works presented, with particular attention paid to their origins and to the establishment of a chronology.

Galerie Eric Hertault
3, rue Visconti
75006 PARIS

art songye RD congo Galerie Eric Hertault Paris

ABOVE: Power figure. Songye; DR Congo.
Wood, fiber, metal, upholstery tacks, horn, glass beads, animal hair.
H. : 110 cm.
Ex-Jacques Hautelet, La Jolla ; Allan Stone, NY ; Sotheby’s NY, 2014 ; private collection.
© galerie Eric Hertault, photo : Vincent Girier Dufournier.

art songye RD congo Galerie Eric Hertault Paris
ABOVE: Power figure.  Songye; DR Congo.
H. : 22 cm.
Ex-private collection NY ; Hélène Leloup, Paris ; Jim et Ann Christensen, Buchanan ; galerie Flak, Paris.
© galerie Eric Hertault, photo : Vincent Girier Dufournier.

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