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The Beatrice and Patrick Caput Collection

Bulul Ifugao Christies Caput

ABOVE: Bulul Figure, Ifugao, Philippines.
Est. 200,000 - 300,000 EUR
Collection Béatrice and Patrick Caput
Photo © Nicolas Bruant
To be offered by Christie's, Paris, October 20, 2022

PARIS—Well-known to collectors as much for his keen eye as his quiet personality, Patrick Caput has been a key player in the market for non-European art in recent decades. His advice has been invaluable for the development of the department of the arts of Africa and Oceania at Sotheby’s in Paris, as well as for the realization of important sales at Binoche & Giquello. His activity as a collector has been equally remarkable.

The support of his wife, Béatrice, and intimate nature of their home have been vital factors in the development of his eclectic but highly refined taste. In 2018, Béatrice and Patrick shared their universe with other aficionados through their collection of small-sized objects at auction.

On October 20, 2022, Christie’s, Paris, will offer some thirty major African, Oceanic, and Southeast Asian artworks from the Caput Collection. Varied in type and sculptural form, this group of works bears witness to the boldness and independence of the Caputs’ vision, qualities that have enabled them to appreciate sculptures with harmonious and delicate forms, such as a Luba caryatid stool from the Democratic Republic of the Congo once the property of the artist Arman, as much as others characterized by powerful expressiveness yet peaceful inner reflection.

This is the case for a Kusu figure with well-rounded lines from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which once belonged to Charles Ratton among others, as well as for a Biwat flute stopper from Papua New Guinea, the fierce gaze of which contrasts with the pouting expression of its mouth. The works in this sale will certainly be coveted by many enthusiasts.

Christie's, Paris
Collection Béatrice et Patrick Caput
October 20, 3pm
Viewing October 13-20, 2022

Biowa PNG Christie's Patrick Caput

ABOVE: Bioma Figure, Wapo Creek, Era river Region, Gulf of Papua, Papua New Guinea
Est. 100,000 - 150,000 EUR
Collection Béatrice and Patrick Caput
Photo © Nicolas Bruant
To be offered by Christie's, Paris, October 20, 2022

Hemba cariatid stool DR Congo Christies Caput PatrickABOVE: Kipona Cariatid Stoll, Luba-Hemba, DR Congo
Est. 500,000 - 700,000 EUR
Collection Béatrice and Patrick Caput
Photo © Nicolas Bruant
To be offered by Christie's, Paris, October 20, 2022

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