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Tribal Art, Form and Figure - Auction at Dorotheum

Malangan New Ireland Dorotheum

ABOVE: Kipong malangan mask. New Ireland, PNG.
H. 78 cm
Collected by Fregate captain Rudolph Brosch in 1894, for the 1893-1895 Austrian Imperial Expedition.
Est. 26.000 - 28.000 EUR
To be offered by Dorotheum, Vienna, on 15 December 2020.

VIENNA—The next sale at Viennese auction
house Dorotheum is scheduled for December 15, 2020.
The ninety-five lots that will
 be offered were carefully selected and are
 being presented to the public in four groups.

The first is made up of some twenty-five
 Asmat pieces from New Guinea formerly in
 the collection of the Volkenkunde Museum 
in Leiden.
The second is a group of four objects collected by Captain Rudolf Brosch in the course of the Austrian imperial expedition to New Guinea that he led between 1893 and 1895. Two of them are malangan objects (a mask and a figure) that remained in the family home for over a hundred years.
Twenty-five other objects are from the Udo Horstmann Collection, including a delicate Teke female figure with a double-hull coiffure and a skillfully scarified body.
The last group of objects is made up of a variety of works from the collections of various owners.

Practical information:
Dorotheum, Viennz
Tribal Art, Form and Figure - Online Auction
Tuesday 15 December 2020 - 3pm (CET)

ABOVE: A "buti" female elder figure, Teke, DR Congo.
H. 33 cm
Ex. Alain de Monbrison, Paris; Udo & Wally Horstmann Collection, Switzerland.
Est. 120.000 - 130.000 EUR
To be offered by Dorotheum, Vienna, on 15 December 2020.

ABOVE: A "Dagaaba" initiation figure, Dagari Lobi, Burkina Faso.
H. 72 cm
Ex. Udo Horstmann Collection, Switzerland.
Est. 18.000 - 20.000 EUR
To be offered by Dorotheum, Vienna, on 15 December 2020.

idumu mask Dorotheum african art

ABOVE: A "idumu" mask, Lega, RD Congo.
H. 44 cm
Ex. Carlo Monzino, Milan.
Est. 20.000 - 24.000 EUR
To be offered by Dorotheum, Vienna, on 15 December 2020.

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