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Tribal Art magazine attends the main events in the field, worldwide. Discover some of our latest video production featuring major exhibitions, interviews with curators and experts.

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Interview with Crispin Howarth and Kevin Conru on the occasion of the exhibition "Ancestral Visions. Papua New Guinea Art from the Sepik-Ramu".
May 2019

Presentation of the exhibition "Désir d'Art : la collection africaine d'Ewa et Yves Develon" organized by the Musée des Confluences de Lyon.
February 2019.

On the occasion of the reopening of the musée royal de l'Afrique centrale de Tervuren, preview of the "Masterpieces room" by its curator, Julien Volper.
December 2018.

Inside the "Inca Dress Code" exhibition held at the musées royaux d'Art et d'Histoire de Bruxelles, interview with the show curator, Serge Lemaitre.

Presentation of the exhibition "Pierre Dartevelle" held by the auction house Lempertz in Brussels.
June 2018.

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